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Table of contents
Does Evolution have a Source of Genetic Information?
Source Materials
What is Information?
Slide 4
DNA Sequencing Result
Measuring Genetic Information
How is Evolution Supposed to Work?
What is Meant by “Selection”?
Slide 9
Slide 10
Natural Selection is True – it is NOT Evolution
Black and White Twins
Flightless Cormorant Bird The Result of a Beneficial Mutation?
So What’s the Issue?
The Challenge
Line of Reasoning #1
Information = Message with a Purpose
Meaning and Purpose
Information is a Mental Concept
The DNA is NOT the Information
In the Beginning was Information
Slide 22
Isolated DNA Changes are Insufficient
Mutation Resulting in Improper Word
Mutation Resulting in Different Proper Word
Mutation Resulting in New Word
Beneficial Mutations
Line of Reasoning #2
Intelligent Design
Establishing Intelligent Design
Slide 31
Conclusions of Intelligent Design Theory
Line of Reasoning #3
Slide 34
Mendel’s Accountant
Numerical Simulation Every mutation is tracked generation to generation
Program Input Parameters
Plot of Allele Frequencies
Illustration that Most Mutations Lie in “No-Selection’ Zone
Slide 40
Why Mutation and Selection Cannot Drive Upward Evolution
How Does the Evolutionist Deal With this?
The “Linkage Blocks” Problem
Goal: Accumulate Three-Billion Pennies
Line of Reasoning #4
Creating a New Species Through Small Changes
Calculation Values
Calculation Results
The Evolutionist Best Response
The Blind Watchmaker
Slide 51
Slide 52
Gitt’s Response to Dawkins
Why “Cumulative Selection” Doesn’t Work
The Biblical view of information
Creation/Biblical Information Concepts
Evolutionary vs. Creation Views of Information
The Sad Truth
Why are we Degenerating?
Why Selection Can’t Solve the Degeneration
The Princess and the Nucleotide Paradox
Slide 62
Slide 63
But There is Hope!
Summary: Several Lines of Reasoning Show the Information Problem is Insurmountable
Slide 66
Jason Browning