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The exact process of the formation of the zinc ore body is not fully understood by geologists:
Zinc in superheated solution (perhaps from original fountains of the great deep or from volcanic activity)
These minerals were (precipitated) deposited during flood deposition
Either by deposition of upper sediment layers and/or by tectonic action the zinc layer was pushed downward into the earth causing high pressure (>5K atm) to be exerted onto zinc layer (over 1,000o F also) causing the original zinc layer to morph into the current ore body
Other minerals precipitated into the ore body during permeation of hot solutions laced with minerals
Erosion occurred via floodwaters and ice from the 500 year ice age after the flood exposing outcrops of the ore at the surface

Over 350 minerals have been identified
most diverse mineralogy of any mineral deposit on earth
Currently 89 of these minerals fluoresce
28 of these minerals are found here at the Sterling Hill Mine and nowhere else on earth