Human DNA Studies Support the History of the Bible (PDF)

A summary of the book Traced by Nathaniel T. Jeanson. By analyzing the occurrences and spreading of men Y chromosome mutations it shows how DNA echoes biblical history. The human family has descended from Noah and his three sons – humanity has a recent history!

Lenape Mythology and Genesis (PDF)

This talk shows that the American Lenape Indians have an origins mythology that reflects the biblical Genesis creation account and the global flood. Watch the video

Is America a Christian Nation?

Is America a Christian Nation? There are voices on both sides of this question. We will look at:  Are nations a Biblical concept?  Was America founded as a Christian nation?  Is there a “wall of separation” between church and state?  History of religious participation in America  What can we do to help America become more … Read More

Overcoming Obstacles and Fears

Based on Philippians 4:13 and the movie “The King’s Speech.” We will cover:  In this world we will have trouble! (Jesus said this)  We may face unexpected and unwanted responsibilities  We must have courage to deal with our obstacles  God will help us work through our problems via His providence and with the help of … Read More

Are You Calling God a Liar?

Based on 1 John 5:6-12. How can I have assurance of eternal life? We will cover:  God hates lying!  Three that testify concerning Jesus Christ  Jesus is fully God and fully man  We also have multiple natures  If we do not believe God we have made Him out to be a liar!  The evidence for … Read More

Climate Change (2020) Video

Mr. Jason Browning discusses the latest view on climate change from a creationist perspective. Lecture: Climate Change – is it Real? Go to the link below to watch the video. Posted by Nathan Smith on Friday, November 6, 2020   View the PDF

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