Three Strikes and You’re Out!

In baseball three strikes against you means you are OUT as a batter. You will not get on base. You will never score a run. Evolution has many strikes against it, but three of the biggest ones are: The origin of life from non-living matter – this is a gigantic gap for which evolution has … Read More

Top 15 Evidences for God and Creation LIST

The evidence that there really is a God, as revealed in the Christian Bible, and that He is the creator all things is overwhelming, as seen from scientific and everyday observation. Get the FREE eBook or read about the evidences below. Watch the video The top 15 evidences are: Evidence # Title Description 1 The … Read More

Introduction to Creationism – 2019 (PDF)

What is creationism/naturalism? I’ll define terms creationism, naturalism and evolution, go over the types of evolution, compare timelines of history Why does it matter? How does belief in naturalism/evolution affect belief in the gospel? Can the two be believed together?

Peace: What is it? Can I Have it?

This sermon from July 14, 2019 is about “peace”, which is one of the “fruits of the Spirit” listed in Galatians 5:22-23. We all want peace, but what is it? And can I have it? View recording (but you will want to follow along with the slides below).

Paluxy River Tracks

This talk discusses the controversial claim that dinosaurs and men lived at the same time, as seemingly shown in the dinosaur/man tracks found in the Paluxy river basin near Glen Rose, Texas.

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