Lesson 8 discusses the age of the Earth, or more generally, the age of our solar system and the universe. Lesson Outline: What all clocks have in common Evidences for a young earth Detailed examples for selected evidences Radiometric dating RATE Project Future trends in creation research This completes the Creation 101 course!
The evidence is clear – there are no excuses! There is a God who created us He gave us the Bible He sent Jesus to die for our sins Jesus offers the good news of salvation Everyone (that means YOU) will live forever in either Heaven (with God forever on the New Earth) OR Hell … Read More
A straightforward reading of the Bible indicates that the universe was created about 6,000 years ago, yet we can see light from stars that are billions of light-years away. How can we reconcile this apparent dilemma if we accept the biblical age as true?
View eBook Get the FREE eBook “Top 15 Evidences for God and Creation” MOBI file for Kindle. Also for sale at Amazon.com. See a listing of the top 15 evidences
How to live a transformed Christian life. The key is “training not trying.” View the PDF Listen to the audio
This talks shows how dinosaurs relate to the Bible. Topics are: Biblical references to dinosaurs The impact of Noah’s flood and the extinction of the dinosaurs Original soft tissues found in dinosaur bones Carbon-14 dating Watch the video
See how dinosaurs fit nicely (and surprisingly for most people) into biblical history.
We must learn to think biblically. The primary reason that people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior stems from what we think – our attitudes, beliefs, values, and opinions. View the PDF Listen to the audio
What is the creation-evolution controversy all about? This talk covers Darwin’s legacy, the Scientific Method, and the top three topics that refute evolution.
Evolution is impossible if there is no naturalistic mechanism for generation of the information content of life forms, and this can never happen as information is a mental, not a physical concept.