Category: Formats

A categorization of presentations by their available viewing format(s).

Creation 101: Lesson 8 – Age of the Earth. Just slides

Lesson 8 discusses the age of the Earth, or more generally, the age of our solar system and the universe. Lesson Outline: What all clocks have in common Evidences for a young earth Detailed examples for selected evidences Radiometric dating RATE Project Future trends in creation research This completes the Creation 101 course!

Dinosaurs, Carbon-14, and the Bible (PDF)

This talks shows how dinosaurs relate to the Bible. Topics are: Biblical references to dinosaurs The impact of Noah’s flood and the extinction of the dinosaurs Original soft tissues found in dinosaur bones Carbon-14 dating Watch the video

Christian Worldview – Do you have one? (Video)

We must learn to think biblically. The primary reason that people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior stems from what we think – our attitudes, beliefs, values, and opinions. View the PDF Listen to the audio

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