Geological Sites that Point to Noah’s Flood
This talk discusses several geological sites in the southeastern USA which point to a catastrophic origin via Noah’s Flood.
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This talk discusses several geological sites in the southeastern USA which point to a catastrophic origin via Noah’s Flood.
This talk discusses the controversial claim that dinosaurs and men lived at the same time, as seemingly shown in the dinosaur/man tracks found in the Paluxy river basin near Glen Rose, Texas.
This talk discusses evidence of what Noah’s children and grandchildren were doing after they left the Ararat region.
This talk looks at some of the archeology surrounding Noah’s flood in the area of Ararat. UPDATED 2019.
This talks shows how dinosaurs relate to the Bible. Topics are: Biblical references to dinosaurs The impact of Noah’s flood and the extinction of the dinosaurs Original soft tissues found in dinosaur bones Carbon-14 dating Watch the video
See how dinosaurs fit nicely (and surprisingly for most people) into biblical history.
What is the creation-evolution controversy all about? This talk covers Darwin’s legacy, the Scientific Method, and the top three topics that refute evolution.
Evolution is impossible if there is no naturalistic mechanism for generation of the information content of life forms, and this can never happen as information is a mental, not a physical concept.
Lesson 1 provides an introduction to the creation-evolution subject. Lesson Outline: Experiment, the essence of science (Scientific Method) Is the theory of evolution verified by experiment? Origin of life? Organic evolution and fossils? “Parallel structure” enigma? Conclusions and good things Slides only Slides with notes: Lesson 2
The case for intelligent design based on DNA. A review of the book “Signature in the Cell” by Stephen C. Meyer.