Category: Topics

A categorization of the available presentations.

Paluxy River Tracks

This talk discusses the controversial claim that dinosaurs and men lived at the same time, as seemingly shown in the dinosaur/man tracks found in the Paluxy river basin near Glen Rose, Texas.

After Ararat

This talk discusses evidence of what Noah’s children and grandchildren were doing after they left the Ararat region.

Why Genesis? (Audio)

This talk shows the importance of Genesis to having a proper Christian worldview. Genesis is foundational to key Christian doctrines and gives the real early history of our world. A recent creation by God, a real Adam & Eve and their fall into sin, and an historical global flood are part of this history. There … Read More

Why Genesis? (PDF)

This talk shows the importance of Genesis to having a proper Christian worldview. Genesis is foundational to key Christian doctrines and gives the real early history of our world. A recent creation by God, a real Adam & Eve and their fall into sin, and an historical global flood are part of this history. There … Read More

The Global Flood and Noah’s Ark as Real History

The global flood and Noah’s Ark, as recorded in the Bible, is dismissed by secular historians. However, the Bible presents this event as real history, and there is much evidence in support of it. At a high level, what would we expect from a global flood? – Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid … Read More

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