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(Slide concept from Institute for Creation Research seminar)
Creationists say that degeneration in the universe, as formalized in the Second Law of Thermodynamics, thwarts any proposed “molecules to man” upward development. This point was made on an earlier slide, but it is important enough to repeat more explicitly. Evolution/naturalism postulates that one of the most basic tenets of science has been repeatedly and continuously violated on a grand scale!
To reiterate, evolutionists try to get around this problem by claiming that the entropy DECREASE on the earth (increase in order and complexity as evolution is taking place, driven by the energy of the sun) has been more than overcome by the greater INCREASE in entropy on the sun (which is expelling considerable energy). Therefore, the sun-earth system as a single unit has obeyed the second law. However, this scenario is thermodynamically impossible!
When an entropy decrease is proposed (like evolution taking place), there must be postulated a mechanism, machine or external influence, NOT JUST AN ENERGY FLOW, that causes the unnatural event to occur. The second law has been constructed in such a manner that entropy always increases when a natural spontaneous process occurs. Evolution has no directing external influence to overcome the effects of the second law. An energy flow like that provided by the sun is necessary, BUT NOT SUFFICIENT, for the second law to be overcome.