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Also, when you think about it, you realize there is a nasty problem with the incremental explanation of evolution.

In nature, you have structures operating in parallel. For example, the Bombardier Beetle. It defends itself by making a blast of steam out of its rear end. It accomplishes this feat much like a rocket engine. It has separate storage sacs that contain hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide. They are squirted into a chamber with an enzyme that holds off the reaction. Then a catalyst makes the reaction occur… pow! Of course, if things are not done properly, the poor thing explodes.

So the question to evolutionists is: why would you have separate chambers evolving without the foreknowledge of reaction chemistry? Should we believe that there was an amazing collection of mutations that just happened all at once to make this happen? And this is not just an isolated case. What about sexual reproduction. Just another series of simultaneous mutations?