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The classic explanation evolutionists offer for the gaps in the fossil record are shown here. Not all fossil have been found, only a tiny fraction of living things became fossils, and finally, evolution really occurred in spurts or jumps. So let’s take these one by one.

Explanation 1 – historically, more and more fossils have been found. The trend is that since Darwin’s time the gaps have been becoming clearer and more pronounced.

Explanation 2 – this first requires a slide on classification. Coming up next.

Explanation 3 - is that the gaps are real history, that is say, a punctuated equilibrium model. Long periods of stasis punctuated by sudden bursts of development arising from isolated populations. The theory was espoused by Steven Jay Gould and Niles Eldredege.

Reference: M. Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis, pgs.186-195