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God instructs Noah to build an Ark (Genesis 6:13–14)


Just want to highlight a few points from Genesis regarding the flood
The Hebrew word "mabbal", generally translated as "flood" occurs nine times in this section of the bible, with few other uses elsewhere (always in reference to the flood).
It is translated into kataklusmŏs where we get the word cataclysm.
From a Biblical point of view it is a unique word used to describe a unique event that has not been repeated.
The wording throughout Gen 6-10 speak clearly of a worldwide event.
During the recession of the waters from over the land, into the Oceans, it would make sense that large catastrophe geological monuments would be left behind if Noah’s flood is really true. We will look at some of those monuments.
Furthermore it is believed by creationist scientists that an ice age occurs after Noah’s flood. This also leaves behind evidence.