Science Confirms the Bible

How recent scientific findings further confirm that science supports the Bible.

Surveys show that about 1/3 of our young people do not believe in God, strongly influenced by evolutionary teaching. There is a perception that Christianity is anti-science.

Evolution is scientifically impossible everywhere you look, including a universe from nothing, star formation, the first life and the DNA information of life.
“Information” is the key to life but is an immaterial, mental concept and can never by produced by a physical process (such as evolution).

Recent scientific findings reinforce biblical history:

  1. The James Webb space telescope is showing the very unexpected result that the furthest away galaxies (presumably the youngest in the Big Bang model) were already mature and well formed (as the Bible predicts).
  2. Creation scientist Tim Clarey’s book “Carved in Stone” shows how geologic historical data from about 2,000 oil well cores across the world is consistent with the geologic expectations from Noah’s flood as recorded in Genesis chapters 6-9.
  3. Creation scientist Nathaniel Jeanson’s book “Traced” connects secular genetic information datasets with the biblical model of human history, showing how male Y chromosome mutational history leads back to Noah and his three sons about 4,500 years ago. The Jewish history leading to Abraham can also be located in the data. Separate female Mitochondrial DNA analysis shows that maternal genetic diversity is consistent with a 6,00 year human history (as the biblical genealogies would indicate).

We need to reach our young people with the message that true science supports the existence of God as the Creator and that biblical history is true, including the important ideas of a literal Adam & Eve about 6,000 years ago and a global flood of judgement about 4,500 years ago.As biblical history is true, so is the Bible’s gospel message of the need to accept Jesus as Savior in order to have eternal life!

You can watch this as a recorded presentation on YouTube
Go to the 28 minute mark.

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