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First of all, to even play the game we must have a field. That is, where did the hydrogen gas and the space containing it come from? It is impossible for the universe to come into existence from nothing. To say that it did, as some do, is not a scientific statement but merely wishful thinking to eliminate the need for God.
But let’s say we have a game. Thermodynamics prevents us from ever reaching first base! All natural processes have a tendency to disorder, yet the evolutionist claims just the opposite has occurred!
But let’s say we manage to get to first base. Spontaneous generation, life from non-life, must occur to get us to second base. But this is contrary to all we know, that life comes only from pre-existing life. In fact, our textbooks say that spontaneous generation is impossible (but then contrary to all logic talk about the evolution of life).
But let’s say we are on second base. We can’t get to third base because evolution has no source of new genetic information to drive upward evolution! Natural selection only “selects”, not “creates”, and mutations are harmful. The few touted beneficial mutations reflect a loss of information. And remember, information is always the result of the mental activity of an intelligence – modifying the physical container of information (like mutating the genome) does not produce new information, it just degrades the current information.
But let’s say we get all the way to third base. We now find no evidence that any living thing has ever gone from third base to home. The fossil record shows abrupt appearance starting with the Cambrian explosion, and there are no undisputable intermediate forms.
Evolution: an impossible game to win!